Did you ever watch a YouTube video where someone knocked over hundreds of dominoes only to reveal a picture or message? Well did you ever feel like someone or thing was knocking over your dominoes? let me be transparent for a moment. December 19th I had a relatively minor accident, there were no injuries and I was able to drive my car to a bodyshop a week later for repairs. My insurance company sent me money for repairs but then decieded to total my car. President Trump shutdown the government and now my son has to pick up part time jobs to make ends meet. My Mother went in to the hospital in extreme pain after two days her doctor got things under control and she came home, three days later I found out she has stage four cancer. Some series of events you just can’t make up! and all of this has happened in less than a months time. We don’t promote any particular religion on WOAD but obviously our music selection encourages faith. Sometime we enter a period in our lives when we feel like we’re in a storm, somebody’s over cooking our grits or knocking over our dominoes and there’s nothing we can do about it. Remembering there is a higher power helps us through the low places, so be encouraged and keep the faith you’ll need it.


KidsZone held the 3RD Saturday in each month at St. Luther M.B. Church 1040 st. Jackson MS. and you are invited to bring your children ages 3-12. Kids Zone is a place where kids can be kids while learning about Jesus. kids and teens  facilitators participate in Praise and Worship, group lessons, games , crafts and more. lunch is also provided. Simply register by texting your name and cell# to 769-798-5647 activites start at 11:30am.

For a cup of Joe that’s truly spiritually uplifting tune in weekday mornings to WOAD’S “Early Morning Gospel hosted by Percy Davis, enjoy Gospel hits and Oldies plus Hometown Favorites. The latest news sports and weather, community news, birthdays, Give-A-Ways with winners selected from the Prize Vault registrations and more.

Song of the day:




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