Random thought’s:

If my butt was on fire and someone offerd to pour a 22 million dollar bucket of water on it I would say by all means douse me!!. Well when offered $22 million by G-7 leaders to buy more air tankers to drop water on the Amazon fire raging across his country Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro said he would not consider taking it until French President Emmanuel Macron said he was sorry for remarks he made, that Bolsonaro considered a challenge to his credibility and an attack on Brazil’s sovereignty. (“Sniff, Sniff” do I smell something burning?) Bolsonaro and his predecessor stripped over 90 percent of the funding for the Brazilian agency tasked with protecting the Amazon’s diverse eco-system in that country. Govenors in the Amazon have said they are willing to bypass Brazils federal government and negotiate with Europe if necessary. Meanwhile as the G-7 summitt wrapped up President Donald Trump floated the idea of having next years gathering at his Doral  Club in Florida!, to which even some of his strongest supporter said hold up! pump your brakes that a direct conflict of intrest!. Former Pennsylavania senator and a canidate for Trump chief of Staff Rick Santorum said “Hell no” to the idea. and went on to say Mr. President. Stop please!. The President also bragged about  the resort during a press conference, a move critics say essentially was a tax payer  funded commerical for the resort, Which is said to be losing money. It just seems that these guys are more concerned about themselves than the countries they are sworn to serve. either that or they have no idea about what they are doing.


KidsZone held the 3RD Saturday in each month at St. Luther M.B. Church 1040 st. Jackson MS. and you are invited to bring your children ages 3-12. Kids Zone is a place where kids can be kids while learning about Jesus. kids and teens  facilitators participate in Praise and Worship, group lessons, games , crafts and more. lunch is also provided. Simply register by texting your name and cell# to 769-798-5647 activites start at 11:30am.

For a cup of Joe that’s truly spiritually uplifting tune in weekday mornings to WOAD’S “Early Morning Gospel hosted by Percy Davis, enjoy Gospel hits and Oldies plus Hometown Favorites. The latest news sports and weather, community news, birthdays, Give-A-Ways with winners selected from the Prize Vault registrations and more.

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