I guess it’s all but a done deal, the President will declare a national emergency to fund his border wall. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced on the Senate floor Thursday that President Trump would sign the spending package passed by both the House and the Senate earlier in the day. This means no shutdown for the government and thats good news for over 800.000 federal employees. But it was the other bit of news that has lawmakers at odds with the White House now, McConnell said the president will also be issuing a national emergency declaration at the same time. McConnell then went on to say he would support the declaration. Other Republicians have not been as quick to jump onboard. I would remind you that the first question that needs to be ansewered, is this actually the kind of emergency the framers of the constitution had in mind?. A lot of people don’t think so and some of them will be filing lawsuits before the end of the day, if President goes through with this. They will be questioning the constitutionality of his actions and wether it’s simply a move to full a campaign promise and set himself up for re-election. I believe most Americans will view this as AN abuse of the National Emergencies Act.


KidsZone held the 3RD Saturday in each month at St. Luther M.B. Church 1040 st. Jackson MS. and you are invited to bring your children ages 3-12. Kids Zone is a place where kids can be kids while learning about Jesus. kids and teens  facilitators participate in Praise and Worship, group lessons, games , crafts and more. lunch is also provided. Simply register by texting your name and cell# to 769-798-5647 activites start at 11:30am.

For a cup of Joe that’s truly spiritually uplifting tune in weekday mornings to WOAD’S “Early Morning Gospel hosted by Percy Davis, enjoy Gospel hits and Oldies plus Hometown Favorites. The latest news sports and weather, community news, birthdays, Give-A-Ways with winners selected from the Prize Vault registrations and more.

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