There’s so much going on in Washington D.C. let me go to the west coast and talk about California’s Governor Gavin Newsom signing a bill allowing college athletes to be paid for the use of their likeness, image, ect. starting in 2023. It’s something a lot of people have supported for a long time considering the amount of money some athletic programs generate. The NCAA is saying hold up pump your brakes! and I think rightly so if not done right this could wind up being the Pandora’s box of collegiate sports. First of all California is the only state that has passed such a law. Secondly what will be the NCAA reaction? will they develope guidlines for everyone or tell other schools their games aganist California schools won’t count or they can’t play them at all. Also what about the Divison II schools who already struggles to compete for talent with D-1’s and don’t have the budget to promote their programs like D-1’s. Plus there’s the issue of putting thousands of dollars into the hands of college students who are not yet financially savy. And could fall victum to uncrupulous sports agents. I think that the NCAA will form a committee to study this issue since California has pushed them into the pool. I think something will have to done, I really don’t believe you can put this genie back in the bottle.