It’s Presidents Day so I have to share some presidential updates: Freeway 134 in Los Angeles between the Glendale CA-2 and the 210 Freeway has been named The President Barack H. Obama Highway. Obama lived in Pasadena, California. and attended Occidental College in LA. 1979-1981. The name change was perposed in 2017, State Lawmakers gave final approval in Septemper of 2018. The 44th President and some members of his camp have had private conversations with some of the declared canidates for the 2020 campaign but the former president has said he will not endorse anyone not even former Vice president Joe Biden if he decieds to run. Meanwhile the current occupant of the oval office boasted last week that he had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Few people believed him after all its Donald Trump. But as we start a new week is appears to be true according to Japanese national news paper Asahi Shimbun the U.S. government informaly asked Japan to nominate President Trump after he met with Noert Korean leader Kin Jong Un in Sinapore in 2018. According to reports Japanese Shinzo Abe said he wouldn’t comment on the matter because Peace prize nominations are secret for 50 years, but he also added ” I’m not saying it’s not true” Wow talk about the “yen and the yang” .


KidsZone held the 3RD Saturday in each month at St. Luther M.B. Church 1040 st. Jackson MS. and you are invited to bring your children ages 3-12. Kids Zone is a place where kids can be kids while learning about Jesus. kids and teens  facilitators participate in Praise and Worship, group lessons, games , crafts and more. lunch is also provided. Simply register by texting your name and cell# to 769-798-5647 activites start at 11:30am.

For a cup of Joe that’s truly spiritually uplifting tune in weekday mornings to WOAD’S “Early Morning Gospel hosted by Percy Davis, enjoy Gospel hits and Oldies plus Hometown Favorites. The latest news sports and weather, community news, birthdays, Give-A-Ways with winners selected from the Prize Vault registrations and more.

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