When did it become fashionable to lie, be mean spirited, and talk about people?. Only President Trump can answer that question because he’s guilty of all charges. I know that some of us felt that we were in Camelot again during the Obama presidency, and actually Mr. Trump is making George W. Bush’s tenure look better. I really wish someone would take his phone or a hacker would hijack his twitter account. We live in the informaton age but never has a President created so much havoc with a tweet, be it market swings, triggering trade wars or moral outrage like telling four freshman congress women to go back to the countries where they came from and fix things there then come back and work on things here. There of the four were born in the U.S., then there was that matter of calling some less developed countries s–t hole countries and to make all worse is his habit of doubling down on what he has said no matter how in accurate or in appropriate. And how about associating himself with noteable events, case in point he has said that he almost died in a helicopter crash that took the lives of two Trump casino excutives and two crew members in October of 1989. Barbara Res a former Trump organzation vice president said his assertion was a total lie. The account of him cheating death has also been debunked in no less than three biographies.


KidsZone held the 3RD Saturday in each month at St. Luther M.B. Church 1040 st. Jackson MS. and you are invited to bring your children ages 3-12. Kids Zone is a place where kids can be kids while learning about Jesus. kids and teens  facilitators participate in Praise and Worship, group lessons, games , crafts and more. lunch is also provided. Simply register by texting your name and cell# to 769-798-5647 activites start at 11:30am.

For a cup of Joe that’s truly spiritually uplifting tune in weekday mornings to WOAD’S “Early Morning Gospel hosted by Percy Davis, enjoy Gospel hits and Oldies plus Hometown Favorites. The latest news sports and weather, community news, birthdays, Give-A-Ways with winners selected from the Prize Vault registrations and more.

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